Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda…
Cycling through Graz and Time
Bicycles are omnipresent in Graz, they define the city in an almost casual way.
If Graz did not have such excellent prerequisites for a bicycle-friendly city, the claim to be one would be presumptuous. The size of the city, its topography as well as the climatic conditions are almost ideal for cycling. Furthermore, Graz has a long and rich cycling tradition and currently a lively, colourful and dynamic cycling scene. But what actually constitutes THE “Bicycle-friendly City of Graz” and what is it still missing?
The exhibition shows the close symbiosis that Graz entered into with the invention of the modern bicycle in the late nineteenth century: As a stronghold of early cycling clubs and a centre of the bicycle industry, as a scene of lively bicycle activism from the 1970s onwards and a city for ambitious visions of the future.
Curators: Bernhard Bachinger, Beat Gugger
Curatorial assistance: Catalin Betz, Martin Hammer
Project management: Catalin Betz
Project coordination: Sibylle Dienesch
Exhibition design and graphic design: Benedikt Haid,
Martin Embacher
Graphic design & campaign: EN GARDE