Foto: Lena Prehal © GrazMuseum
Shaping Human Cities
Urban experiments from 11 cities
Urban experiments from eleven European cities conceptualized and realized by designers, initiatives, activists, students and residents are open for discussion. In an interactive exhibition the possibilities and challenges of getting involved are to be discovered.
Why do we feel comfortable or uncomfortable in a city?
What makes it livable?
Do we have the freedom to shape our city?
What makes a city our city?
Human Cities_Challenging the City Scale is a European research project with partners from eleven European cities. The Human Citizens face these questions collaboratively and meet to develop ideas and solutions for a better quality of life in urban areas.
The exhibition SHAPING HUMAN CITIES was designed by students of the Master‘s programme “Exhibition Design” at the University of Applied Sciences, FH JOANNEUM and from 5 May to 24 June 2018 urban experiments are presented, which took place within the framework of the Human Cities Project in these cities. Interactive stations where the experiments can be experienced in a playful way are installed in the GrazMuseum.
One of them is LET’S TAKE ACTION! It gives tips on how to become active in your own urban environment and thereby improve the urban space.
WANNA PLAY? Consists of eleven miniature golf courses that invite you to play. Each lane is assigned to one Human City and one of their experiments. The courses incorporate the spatial and creative circumstances of the experiments and pose a challenge for the players.
WANNA TASTE? Invites up to 20 guests on four sundays to taste the Human Cities projects in eleven courses.
WANNA TRAVEL? conquers the city center of Graz with ten intriguing installations.
In addition, an app with an interactive, digital catalogue is available for download. Here, photos, videos, comments, etc. can be uploaded and commented upon.
SHAPING HUMAN CITIES is part of Designmonat Graz and Architektursommer 2018.