Foto: S. Amsüss, Sammlung GrazMuseum © Multimediale Sammlung, UMJ
The Story of Graz
Find out everything about the history of Graz
The permanent exhibition of the GrazMuseum “The Story of Graz” illustrates the development of the Styrian state capital from the Middle Ages to 2003 from a both local and European perspective.
The conflict history of the genesis of the city, its demographic development, gender issues, and the transforming appearance of Graz are combined with present-day issues such as globalisation, migration, diversity, or urban codetermination and transport policy.
Find yourself as a contemporary witness in the prize-winning permanent exhibition and discover your personal story of Graz.
Overall Concept and Curator: Otto Hochreiter
Curator: Martina Zerovnik
Co Curators: Annette Rainer, Christian Rapp
Project Management: Sibylle Dienesch
Exhibition assistance: Franziska Schurig
Exhibition Design: Arquitectos
Exhibition Graphic Design: MVD Austria
Political Physiognomy Photos: Wolfgang Thaler
Research Associates: Wolfram Dornik, Joachim Hainzl, Katharina MračekGabalier, Franz Leitgeb, Rainer Rosegger